Sinan Erensü
Sinan Erensü received his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Minnesota. In his dissertation thesis, he looked at the changing relations of nature, society, state, and capital in Turkey through analyzing infrastructure investments and ecological struggles in the Eastern Black Sea Region. Together with researchers working on similar issues, he co-edited Sudan Sebepler: Türkiye’de Neoliberal Su-Enerji Politikaları ve Direnişleri [Reasons of Water: Neoliberal Politics and Struggles of Water-Energy in Turkey] from İletisim Publishing and İsyan ve Umudun Dip Dalgası: Günümüz Türkiye’sinden Politik Ekoloji Tartışmaları [Undercurrents of Hope and Uprising: Contemporary Political Ecological Discussions in Turkey] from Tekin Publishing. His research interests include development and energy ethnography, environmental sociology and sociology of space, and urban and rural political ecology. He co-coordinates MAD’s Urban Political Ecology Summer School on the Roads of Istanbul. He is a member of the Center for Spatial Justice and the Ecology Collective.